How to divide a two digit number by a one digit number (e.g. 42 ÷ 7).
- Place the divisor (7) before the division bracket and place the dividend (42) under it.
- Examine the first digit of the dividend(4). It is smaller than 7 so it can't be
divided by 7 to produce a whole number. Next take the first two digits of the
dividend (42) and determine how many 7's it contains. In this case 42 holds six
sevens (6*7=42). Place the 6 above the division bracket.
Multiply the 6 by 7 and place the result (42) below the 42 of the dividend.
Draw a line under the 42 and subtract it from 42 (42-42=0). Since the result is
0 the division is finished and 6 is the answer.