Decimals - Ten-Thousandths

A decimal is a fractional number and is indicated by digits after a period which is called a decimal point.

Tenths have one digit after the decimal point. The decimal 0.8 is pronounced "eight tenths" or "zero point eight". It is equal to the fraction 8/10.

Hundredths have two digits after the decimal point. The decimal 0.36 is pronounced "thirty-six hundredths" or "zero point thirty-six". It is equal to the fraction 36/100.

Thousandths follow a similar pattern. They have three digits after the decimal point. The decimal 0.749 is pronounced "seven hundred forty-nine thousandths" or "zero point seven four nine".

Ten-thousandths have four digits after the decimal point.

There may be zeros after the decimal point. The decimal 0.064 is pronounced "sixty-four thousandths" or "zero point zero six four".

What is the Decimal Number?
